Midday regalia hemera
Midday regalia hemera


We sell sealed products, booster boxes, booster packs, singles, sleeves and collectors items for Long Tail. Checkout our buylist on we buy & sell Long Tail Singles cards from A-Z daily. View Midday Regalia, Hemera - EB12/006EN - Double Rare (RR) only 7.99 and other cards from Extra Booster Vol. Her power increased with daylight, but her strength is halved.


Auch die Booster, Displays und Trial Decks zu den neuen Sets findet ihr bei uns günstig im Online Shop. We have a large selection of Long Tail Singles. 10 listings on TCGplayer for Midday Regalia, Hemera - Cardfight Vanguard - AUTO:When this unit is placed on (RC), choose up to three cards from your drop zone with 'Regalia' in its card name, and put them into your soul. Being the user of Midday Lullaby, she is the goddess who reigns over days of the Sanctuary. Card Effect: ACT(VC): Legion 20000 Midday Regalia, Hemera (If your. Natürlich könnt ihr alle entsprechenden Einzelkarten bei uns im Cardfight Vanguard Shop kaufen (einfach über der jeweiligen Kartenliste auf den Link klicken). We buy EB - Waltz of the Goddess Midnight Regalia, Nyx - EB12/005EN - RR for. Trial Deck Will of the Locked Dragon Einzelkarten: TD17/001EN Trial Deck Divine Judgment of the Bluish Flames Einzelkarten: TD16/001EN Trial Deck Seeker of Hope Einzelkarten: TD14/001EN × Notice Cookies are used on this site to provide the best user experience. Waltz of the Goddess Einzelkarten: EB12/001EN AUTO:When this unit is placed on (RC), choose up to three cards from your drop zone with 'Regalia' in its card name, and put them into your soul. Ultimate Dimensional Robo, Great Daikaiser Also legen wir am Besten gleich mit den Kartenlisten los:įighters Collection 2014 Einzelkarten: FC02/001EN Dabei handelt es sich um die jeweilige Kartenliste für die Booster Sets: Requiem at Dusk, Waltz of the Goddess, Fighters Collection 2014 und die Trial Decks: Divine Judgment of the Bluish Flames, Seeker of Hope und Will of the Locked Dragon.īei den neuen Cardfight Vanguard Karten gibt es eine Menge an guten und spielbaren Einzelkarten, daher sollte sich kein Fan des Trading Card Games diese Listen entgehen lassen.


Regalia isn't going to be competitive, but that means you're free to experiment yourself, see what works, and find something you enjoy and not 'the best' build.In diesem Artikel möchten wir euch die Kartenlisten zu den sechs neuen Cardfight Vanguard Editionen und Trial Decks präsentieren. I've been testing the Regalia draw and it seems to be working OK (and don't even use draws in Aqua Force outside of building soul). Pray Angel might be better as the starter - depends on if you use Verdanthi for early pressure. Cider is too clunky - if she triggered of being called by quintet wall, maybe, but more Skuld is better. If we ever get a Regalia PG though, run it. Medmindre andet er angivet, er kortene altid i flot stand (Near Mint). I like the new PG over any superior callers - GC revelation is never a bad thing, and being sure that you can stop the attack makes it easier to defend. Hos os finder du massevis af enkeltkort Du kan læ gge dem i indkø bskurven i de antal du ø nsker. A 10k body to slow early aggression, as well as a counter to the opponent doing the same when riding Verdanthi is actually useful - and nowadays Hesperis isn't all that likely to go off. Flipping Demeter sounds nice but needs specific setup to pull off. None of the Regalia cards have revelation, so she's mostly going to just hand out some power buffs to rear-guards and not stand them. Ishtar probably isn't all that helpful here. It also helps the GB8, another useful option. Laurier G guard is worth looking as, as it's the only way to recover PG/ stride fodder without legion, which you also need for triggers. Grade 4 Fenrir is surprisingly useful- you don't tend to use much counter blasts and Shiny Angel/ Hemera can let you loop soul for several draws whilst building power. DB05 Triumphant Return of the Brave Heroes DLB2 Lyrical Monasterio DB04 Awakening of Chakrabarthi DB03 Advance of Intertwined Stars DB02 A Brush with the Legends DB01 Genesis of the Five Greats DLB1 Lyrical Melody VB12 Divine Lightning Radiance VB11 Storm of the Blue Cavalry VB10 Phantom Dragon Aeon VB09 Butterfly dMoonlight VB08 Silverdust Blaze VB07 Infinideity. Can someone help me, please?ġx (Start VG) 2x (Crit) 2x (Stand) 4x (Stand) 4x (Heal) 4x (Crit)ġx (Sentinel) 1x (Sentinel) 2x (PG) 4x 2x 2x 2x Ĥx 4x 3x Ĥx 4x ġx 3x 1x 1x 2x 4x 1x 1x I just don't know how can I make it better.

So, I've been struggling with this deck for a while now. Midnight Regalia, Nyx Cardfight Vanguard Collectable Card Games, vanguard ACT(VC):Legion 20000'Midday Regalia, Hemera'(If your opponent's vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit may return four cards from your drop zone into your deck once, search your deck for the specified card, and Legion)
AUTO(VC):When a card with the same card name as a unit on your (VC) is put into the.

Midday regalia hemera